Anteil der Weltimporte, 2021:

Der Durchschnitt für 2021 betrug 0.3 Prozent, bei einem Höchstwert von 1.19 Prozent (Brasilien)  und einem Minimum von 0.05 Prozent (Bolivien). Unten befindet sich ein Diagramm für alle Länder, in denen Daten zum Themazur Verfügung stehen.

Einheit: Prozent; Quelle: die Weltbank
Indikatoren Wählen
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Anteil Weltimporte, 2021 Global rank Available data
Brasilien 1.19 1 -
Chile 0.4 2 -
Kolumbien 0.29 3 -
Argentinien 0.28 4 -
Peru 0.23 5 -
Ecuador 0.11 6 -
Uruguay 0.06 7 -
Bolivien 0.05 8 -
Paraguay 0.05 9 -

Definition: The share of world exports equals the exports of a particular country as percent of the total exports of all countries around the world. Imports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services received from the rest of the world. They include the value of merchandise, freight, insurance, transport, travel, royalties, license fees, and other services, such as communication, construction, financial, information, business, personal, and government services. They exclude compensation of employees and investment income (formerly called factor services) and transfer payments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
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