Gemeinkosten Banken, Anteil Gesamtvermögen, 2021:

Der Durchschnitt für 2021 betrug 1.27 Prozent, bei einem Höchstwert von 1.79 Prozent (Fidschi)  und einem Minimum von 1 Prozent (Neuseeland). Unten befindet sich ein Diagramm für alle Länder, in denen Daten zum Themazur Verfügung stehen.

Einheit: Prozent; Quelle: Bankscope
Indikatoren Wählen
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Gemeinkosten, 2021 Global rank Available data
Fidschi 1.79 1 2016 - 2021
Australien 1.01 2 2000 - 2021
Neuseeland 1 3 2007 - 2021

Definition: Operating expenses of a bank as a share of the value of all assets held. Total assets include total earning assets, cash and due from banks, foreclosed real estate, fixed assets, goodwill, other intangibles, current tax assets, deferred tax assets, discontinued operations and other assets. The numerator and denominator are first aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
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