Handelsbedingungen, Basisjahr = 2000, 2021:

Der Durchschnitt für 2021 betrug 115.27 Prozent, bei einem Höchstwert von 177.43 Prozent (Papua-Neuguinea)  und einem Minimum von 91.07 Prozent (Palau). Unten befindet sich ein Diagramm für alle Länder, in denen Daten zum Themazur Verfügung stehen.

Einheit: Prozent; Quelle: The United Nations
Indikatoren Wählen
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Handelsbedingungen, 2021 Global rank Available data
Papua-Neuguin. 177.43 1 2000 - 2021
Australien 163.69 2 2000 - 2021
Neukaledonien 129.06 3 2000 - 2021
Neuseeland 114.82 4 2000 - 2021
Kiribati 114.33 5 2000 - 2021
Vanuatu 101.82 6 2000 - 2021
Samoa 101.21 7 2000 - 2021
Fidschi 100.99 8 1980 - 2021
Tonga 98.03 9 2000 - 2021
Mikronesien 97.88 10 2000 - 2021
Salomonen 92.91 11 1980 - 2021
Palau 91.07 12 2000 - 2021

Definition: Net barter terms of trade index is calculated as the percentage ratio of the export unit value indexes to the import unit value indexes, measured relative to the base year 2000. Unit value indexes are based on data reported by countries that demonstrate consistency under UNCTAD quality controls, supplemented by UNCTAD's estimates using the previous year’s trade values at the Standard International Trade Classification three-digit level as weights. To improve data coverage, especially for the latest periods, UNCTAD constructs a set of average prices indexes at the three-digit product classification of the Standard International Trade Classification revision 3 using UNCTAD’s Commodity Price Statistics, interna­tional and national sources, and UNCTAD secretariat estimates and calculates unit value indexes at the country level using the current year's trade values as weights.
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